Empowering Through Educational Equity

RightWalk’s Flagship RTE Initiative

The Cornerstone of Equity: Right to Education (RTE 12(1)(c))

Quality education is the foundation of equity, unlocking doors to a world where every child, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), especially its section 12.1.(c), embodies this principle by mandating recognized, non-minority private schools to allocate 25% of their seats to children from economically weaker sections and disadvantaged groups, with the government reimbursing their fees.

RightWalk's Revolutionary Impact on RTE

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Pioneering Legal Reforms

We’ve battled resistance from private schools through legal interventions, paving the way for crucial policy reforms that ensure fair admissions.

Technological Breakthroughs

Collaborations with the UP State government and UNICEF enabled RWF to conduct workshops in over a dozen districts, training 2,000 private school educators to ensure seamless integration of EWS and DG children

Enhancing Educational Inclusion

Through partnerships with the UP government and UNICEF, we’ve conducted extensive Social Inclusion Workshops and trained 2000 educators in 9 districts in inclusive teaching methods, fostering an environment where every child belongs.

Beyond Admission

Our FABLE and EPINc ensures that RTE students are not just admitted but integrated and supported within their school communities, in order to realize the full potential of an integrated classroom.

Building Community Ties

We’ve made the RTE Act a household name, using every tool at our disposal—from ASHA workers, Pulse Polio campaigns to helpline numbers, ensuring the entire community is engaged and empowered.

History Of Intervention In Uttar Pradesh

A Legacy of Change in Uttar Pradesh:
In a state that holds almost 30% of India’s RTE seats, we’ve turned challenges into milestones. From overcoming initial resistance to establishing a digitized, transparent admission process, our interventions have dramatically increased admissions—from a mere 54 in 2014 to over 700,000 cumulative in 2024. Our commitment has not only opened school doors wider but also ensured that girls and children with disabilities find their rightful place in classrooms.
Our work with RTE is more than a program; it’s a testament to the power of determined advocacy, innovative partnerships, and the unyielding belief that education is the right of every child. With each child we reach, we move closer to a society where every young dream is nurtured, and every potential is realized.

Subsequently, RWF partnered with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the National Informatics Centre in 2017 to digitise the RTE admission process, further enhancing transparency, scale, and impact. This collaboration evolved, culminating in the first online seat allotment system in 2020, and a Memorandum of Understanding with the state government in 2019-2020.

History Of Intervention In Uttar Pradesh

In Uttar Pradesh, where 30% of India’s total RTE seats reside, the initiative faced hurdles like policy ambiguity and resistance from private school lobbies. RWF’s intervention began with a legal challenge against a private school, leading to a precedent for RTE admissions in the state.

Subsequently, RWF partnered with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the National Informatics Centre in 2017 to digitise the RTE admission process, further enhancing transparency, scale, and impact. This collaboration evolved, culminating in the first online seat allotment system in 2020, and a Memorandum of Understanding with the state government in 2019-2020, marking RWF as the Project Management Unit with the Department of Education.

Through various outreach programs and training workshops, RWF has significantly improved RTE admissions, from merely 54 in 2014 to over 1.25 lakh in 2021, with notable increases in girls’ participation and individuals with disabilities’ inclusion​1​.